Society Salvation from hemorrhoids folk remedies. There are diseases that we can easily discuss in public, share experiences and groan. For example, hardly anyone will... 13.05.2022
Society Secrets of a stylish bedroom If earlier it was customary to surround yourself with a fashionable environment, today style and individuality are more important.... 02.05.2022
Society Lush forms did not cancel fashion Fashion trends are distinguished by enviable inconstancy. But style, popular trends are not a marketing ideal. It is important... 07.04.2022
Society Cuban bishops invited Benedict XVI to visit Liberty Island Archbishop Dominic Mamberti, who heads Vatican diplomacy, earlier this week conveyed to Pope Benedict the Sixteenth an invitation from... 22.03.2019
Society Cuban was elected chairman of the UNESCO intergovernmental committee As it became known, the chairman of the intergovernmental committee on physical education and sports, on education, science and... 20.03.2019
Society Cuba called on the UN to respect the culture of peace Last Monday, Cuba stated at the United Nations that in order to achieve a culture of peace, it is... 11.02.2019
Society Cuba still helps Ukrainian children For twenty years now, thanks to the Cuban government, Ukrainian children affected by the Chernobyl disaster have been receiving... 21.01.2019
Society Cuba prepares for May Day celebrations Only a few days remain before a significant event in the life of every Cuban. The day when Revolution... 23.11.2018
Society Credit card Nowadays, Kazakhstani banks offer various lending programs, using which you can turn your dreams into reality. Now, with the... 25.09.2018
Society The Key to Boosting Russian Oil Production and Energy Efficiency. Russian oil companies can become world leaders in terms of production and a key oil-producing region, said Russian President... 05.07.2018