Archbishop Dominic Mamberti, who heads Vatican diplomacy, earlier this week conveyed to Pope Benedict the Sixteenth an invitation from Havana Archbishop Cardinal Jaime Ortega to visit Cuba. After seeing off Mamberti with an important message, the Cuban cardinal said that he very much hoped that the pontiff would agree to accept his invitation. He also noted that if the visit takes place, it will bring great benefits to the entire Cuban people – just like it was in 1998, when John Paul II visited the island. The Bishops of Cuba would very much like Benedict the Sixteenth to visit the island in 2012, since it was then that the 400th anniversary of the appearance of the Mother of God, who has been the patroness of the island for many, many years, will be widely celebrated on the territory of the island state. According to Cardinal Ortega, the results of the visit of Archbishop Mamberti, which ended last Sunday (which lasted 5 days), can be described as “very positive”.
On Sunday, after a personal meeting, the head of the island, Raul Castro, and Dominic Mamberti issued a joint statement, the essence of which was to report on the growing dynamics of relations between the Vatican and the Cuban capital. According to the parties, their relationship can be described as “respectful, cordial, fruitful and growing”. It is worth recalling that the intensification of the dialogue between the state and the church in Cuba took place on May 19. It was on this day that the Cuban head of state held a very lengthy meeting with the leaders of the Catholic Church. The result of this event was the decision of the Cuban authorities to transfer 12 political prisoners to places of detention located close to their places of permanent residence.