Cats can be considered the most mysterious and self -wise animals on the planet. But still, they make wonderful pets, they are devoted to people in their own way, although they do not express their affections as violently as dogs, but this does not prevent them from loving the owner and being devoted to him.
Everyone knows how cats were revered in ancient Egypt, they were considered sacred animals. Oriental sages, who are prone to intuitive perception of the world, consider cats to be mystical animals that bring happiness, health and well-being to the house. Japan celebrates Cat Day on February 22 every year. According to legends and legends, cats bring happiness to the families in which they live. Hundreds of cases of cat intervention in case of everyday difficulties are described, which were successfully resolved thanks to the notorious cats. There is a legend about a poor fisherman who regularly treated a rich neighbor’s cat with fresh fish. And when the fisherman fell ill and needed money for treatment, the cat stole gold coins from the owner’s chest and brought them in her teeth to her beloved neighbor, which saved his life.
Sometimes it seems that pet cats are capable of much for the sake of their owner, because they have such smart eyes and such a mysterious look. They miss their owner very much, sometimes they take offense at him, but they sincerely love him. It has been proven that cats heal their owners by taking away the negative energy of the disease. They normalize blood pressure, relieve pain, regulate heart rate and perfectly calm the nerves. It is enough just to relax and lightly stroke the cat lying on your lap. Their rumbling and purring is extremely calming and has a positive effect on health.
Doctors recommend that all those suffering from cardiovascular and neurological diseases keep a cat in the house, preferably a black one, they treat more effectively. The breed of a cat does not matter, they are all affectionate, gentle, devoted and beautiful, especially when they are kittens. These lumps of tenderness and beauty, charm and adoration brighten up our gray, everyday life, bringing into it delight and happiness from admiring the most charming creature in the world.
You can buy a kitten in a regular pet store, on the website of an online store, in a special market or through an ad. You can simply pick it up on the street, for which it will be devoted to you forever.