Flat feet are changes that occur with the foot, it becomes flat and this greatly affects the musculoskeletal system. There are several reasons for the appearance of flat feet: this is heredity, very poor shoes, as well as weakened muscles and ligaments of the foot. Not only very tight shoes can lead to this, but also those that are very loose on your foot. If the shoes are tight, then blood circulation is disturbed, if they are too loose, then the leg simply cannot be held in it. Therefore, if you are going to buy shoes, then choose them with great care, they should not be small or large for you.
Flat feet are very difficult to treat, but according to many doctors, good results can be obtained if you do physical exercises every day, specially selected by your doctor. Make sure that no matter what you overload, as strong loads can bring not good, but even more harm. Exercises must be performed correctly, exactly as the attending physician will show you.
Baths can help in the fight against this disease. They can be from chamomile, pine needles and salt. In such baths you need to keep your feet, if the water cools down over time, you need to add hot. If you have such an opportunity, then you can walk along the sea pebbles every time or collect it in a bag. I also want to mention walking barefoot, it should be done on fir cones or on grass. By following our simple recommendations, you will surely be able to get rid of this unpleasant and annoying disease.