Since 1980, a unified vehicle identification system has been introduced throughout the world, regardless of the manufacturer and country of manufacture. This encoding allows you to link a lot of information to a specific instance of a vehicle, enter it into a database, and at the same time eliminate errors. To obtain the necessary information, a resource called VIN decoder was created.
Main features of the service
By visiting the Vindecoderz website, any user can enter a code of seventeen letters and numbers to determine a number of parameters for a particular car. Among this information you can find:
- The year the car was created, the company where it was assembled on the assembly line, and the country where the car was created.
- Vehicle security code.
- Data on the type of engine and its volume, other technical parameters.
- Car make and serial number.
All this information is encrypted in the VIN code and can be studied immediately. However, the cipher itself is used as an identifier, so any information related to the car is associated with it. This may include:
- Information about the registration of the car in the country and region when it was imported across the border, if we are talking about imports.
- The owner’s name and the time he used the car. If there are several of them, information about all of them will be shown.
- Insurance cases, including participation in an accident, fire, drowning of a vehicle, information about theft.
- Facts of taking a car as collateral, presence of tax debts, claims from customs authorities.
This service allows you to use information when purchasing a car on the secondary market. The code itself, the information associated with it, will allow you to evaluate the veracity of the seller, determine the features of the car and make an informed, informed decision.
Lawyers handling cases related to accidents, thefts and other incidents receive information that will help in correctly building a strategy for conducting a case and provide arguments in court or other authorities. Car buyers and used vehicle dealers also constantly study all the information that the VIN code can give them in order to accurately estimate the value of the car.
The system itself is free for users, there are no restrictions on the number of entered values. Information is provided quickly, it is accurate and verified. You can use the resource from desktop computers and mobile devices.