After Viktor Yanukovych came to power in Ukraine, the Ukrainian government turned its attention to Cuba. Today it announced its intention to intensify bilateral cooperation with Havana in all areas. This was stated by Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Tikhonov during a meeting with the head of the Cuban Foreign Ministry Bruno Rodriguez Parilla.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, he expressed his gratitude to the Cuban leadership, which for over twenty years has been helping Ukrainian children affected by various environmental disasters, including the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The program of treatment and rehabilitation is being implemented on the island of Freedom in the health-improving center “Tarara”. Ukraine, in turn, promised to solve an important social problem in Cuba – the installation of heating systems for the cities of Varadero and Havana.
During a conversation with the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parilla expressed satisfaction with a rather high level of representation of the Ukrainian delegation. He said that Cuba considers the development of relations with Ukraine priority. Recall that the delegation from Ukraine has arrived at the island of Freedom in order to take part in a meeting of the intergovernmental Ukrainian-Cuban commission on trade, economic and scientific and technical cooperation. The result of this meeting was a solution to create a special system, which will allow all Cubans in their homes to have autonomous heating working on the best Ukrainian equipment.
The delegations of the two countries discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts that will take place at the highest level. In particular, they discussed the visit to Cuba of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, scheduled for the spring of next year, as well as the exchange of visits by the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of the two states.
Installation of heating in Cuba is a very important issue between these two countries, so they will begin to deal with this issue in the near future.
Particular attention in the conversation was paid to the development of cooperation and activation of cooperation between Cuban and Ukrainian regions.