“Yes, you yourself try to pass!”- pointing to the broken road at the Kuratovsky cemetery, exclaims Ukhtinka Lyudmila Arteeva. “And this is in the summer, but imagine what is happening here in spring and autumn?’ she continues. The woman has no complaints against MUE “Ritual”: “They work perfectly and the organization of the funeral is at the highest level”. He understands that they are not to blame, there is simply no money for the improvement of the churchyard. However, she is not going to give up and intends to achieve order.
The “killed” path is not the only, according to the woman, a cemetery problem. The road might have been better if it had not been used by drivers wishing to take a short cut from nearby summer cottages. And you can’t prevent this – there are no fences here. In 1972, Arteeva buried her first relative in this churchyard: “For how many years we have been coming here, it’s always muddy, no one has invested large material resources here. But this is one of the first cemeteries of the city, many Ukhtins are buried here! From year to year, children, grandmothers are carried in their arms to visit the graves of their loved ones. My disabled spouse refuses to come here at all!» A few days ago, she wrote a complaint with her claims to the city administration, backing it up with several signatures of other Ukhta residents visiting the graves of their relatives at the Kuratovsky cemetery: “We will wait for an answer.”. Yuri Pavlovich was last at the grave of a relative 15 years ago: “Of course, it is difficult to follow this road. If only they could bring rubble, put up a fence, but nothing else is needed, ”he says. Watchman Pyotr Afanasyevich also votes for the fence with both hands. He says that the territory of the cemetery often becomes a place for homeless people to sleep. But he is not afraid to be on duty: for a year of work he got used to everything. “Here even on motorcycles and bicycles they manage to pass. The road, of course, is not so hot. But is MUP “Ritual” to blame? From the side of the dachas, earlier the pillars were dug into the ground so that they would not go. So people pulled everything out anyway…»
COMMENTSVladimir Suranov, director of MUP “Ritual”: – This year, not a penny is allocated for the capital construction of burials in the city budget. Last year, in my opinion, 700 thousand rubles went to the construction of a fence on Krokhal. On Kuratovo last year, we cut down all the bushes in two blocks at our own expense. As for garbage, there is none. Have you seen it yourself?? The cemetery is being cleaned. Now 10 schoolchildren work at our enterprise, garbage from the graveyards is taken out daily. The woman wants us to make a track. And by what means? At the expense of the enterprise? Today this is impossible: we have eight cemeteries (they have also been transferred to Sedya), the ninth will soon be put into operation. There used to be a fence on Kuratovo, but everything is rotten. In 2008, because of this, the fence between the base and the cemetery had to be dismantled. Now there are plans to fence off part of the cemetery from the base, cut a clearing and make the entrance not through the base, but directly from the road. And for this you need sprinkling, a pipe for a ditch. Once again, it’s all about money. But slowly we are trying to bring all the cemeteries into proper shape. Let’s bring this, but not all at once.