The property Idea for the New Year: a town in a bank In search of original decorations for the New Year holidays, we invite you to create your own city in... 05.02.2018
The property Smooth heels with folk recipes. There is probably nothing worse than cracked heels in women in the warm summer season. After all, with such... 09.01.2018
The property Gymnastic exercises for the face and neck. Exercise 1: Inhale through your nose, relax your lips, and exhale through your mouth. Second exercise: inhale as deeply... 26.12.2017
The property Pets of a cat cat Cats can be considered the most mysterious and self -wise animals on the planet. But still, they make wonderful... 25.10.2017
The property Diet for a business woman Business woman - a category of business women who are constantly busy and who do not have free time... 04.10.2017
The property What can be made from sea shells Shells and smooth pebbles honed by the sea are a wonderful memory of your vacation and the warm southern... 26.07.2017
The property Pregnancy and traditional medicine. Some women do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor and self-medicate, believing that the so-called traditional medicine... 24.05.2017
The property Allergy to pets An allergy is a reaction of the body's immune system to certain substances. It can occur on animal hair,... 20.04.2017